
Utrecht Historical Lecture Series: Christopher Clark ‘Time of the Nazi’s: Past, Present and Future in the Third Reich’
On Wednesday 28 June 2017 at 8:00 PM Sir Christopher Clark, Regius Professor of History at the University of Cambridge, will give a lecture in the Utrecht Historical Lectures series. There is a limited number of seats available, so please register here to attend The title of Clark’s talk is ‘Time of the Nazi’s: Past, Present and Future…
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Utrecht Historical Lecture Series: Bregje van Eekelen, Creative Intelligence and the Cold War: US Military Investments in the Concept of Creativity 1945-1965
In this lecture Bregje van Eekelen investigates the Cold War entanglements of the concept of “creativity” with the U.S. military. She recounts, first, how knowledge about the concept emerged and circulated after World War II, and how the field of creativity studies was funded and institutionalized. She then looks more particularly at how the military,…
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Utrecht Historical Lecture Series: Martin Conway, Man-made politics? Masculinity and Politics in Europe, 1920-70
Lecture by Martin Conway (Professor of Contemporary European History, Balliol College, Oxford University)
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Utrecht Historical Lecture Series: Ian Buruma, A return to normality? Jews, English, Dutch and Germans in 1945
The twentieth century is a most violent period, yet its impact has been very different for different groups in society. Ever since his study The Wages of Guilt: Memories of War in Japan and Germany (Farrar, Straus, Giroux,1995), Ian Buruma has reflected on the various ways in which societies – notably societies of perpetrators of…
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Afscheidssymposium voor Hendrik Henrichs: ‘Shared Authority’
Op 15 december vindt het afscheidssymposium voor cultuurhistoricus dr. Hendrik Henrichs plaats, onder de titel ‘Shared authority: Publiek-professionele samenwerking in de historische cultuur’. Deze bijeenkomst is een speciale aflevering van het Utrechts Cultuurhistorisch Seminar. Hendrik Henrichs is universitair hoofddocent Cultuurgeschiedenis. Hij promoveerde in 1989 op de biografie over de schrijver, historicus, hispanist en verzetsman Johan…
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NIAS Seminar: Joris van Eijnatten, “Mining an uncharted continent. Popular conceptions of Europe in twentieth-century Dutch newspapers”
Joris van Eijnatten, NIAS-KB Fellow, will hold a seminar discussing conceptions of Europe in Dutch newspapers. About the Seminar Riding the wave of new technologies, public interest and political concern, ‘big data’ has become a catchword in current research funding policies. Computers have become extremely powerful, fancy visualisations impress laypeople, while politicians often believe that…
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Utrecht Historical Lecture Series: Jan de Vries, The Return from the Return to Narrative
The social sciences had a major impact on historical research and writing in the 1960’s and 1970’s. From the Annales School to the New Economic History, the venerable discipline of history appeared to be entering a period of renewal and the social sciences entering a period of greater historical engagement. The 1980’s brought the “cultural…
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Seminar: Siep Stuurman, The European Enlightenment and the Gendering of Progress
Our next cultural history seminar will take place Thursday, 3 November from 15.30 to 16.45 at Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, room 1.06, to be followed by a ‘borrel’ at Cafe Hofman. Prof. Siep Stuurman will present his paper ‘The European Enlightenment and the Gendering of Progress.’
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Cultural History Seminar: Rosanne Baars
News in France and the Netherlands during the Wars of Religion and the Dutch Revolt From the beginning of the Dutch Revolt onwards, the Dutch were interested in news from France. They noticed how the French experienced similar problems on issues such as religious toleration, peace negotiations and conflicts between nobles. In the vast…
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Cultural History Seminar: Melvin Wevers
Tracking the Consumption Junction: Long-range dependencies and predictive casuality in 20th century Dutch newspapers. During the seminar, I present a paper that I co-authored with Kristoffer Nielbo during my stay as a research fellow at UCLA’s interdisciplinary Culture Analytics program. This paper analyzes whether whether advertisements reflect or shape society. Is the central purpose of…
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