Cultural History programme

BA courses in Cultural History

BA courses in Cultural History

Level 1

  • Period 3: Wereldculturen (GK1V16002)

Level 2

  • Period 3: The Atlantic World: Europe and the United States, 1776-present (GE2V15002)
  • Period 3: Fundamentalisme in de moderne wereld: cultuurhistorische perspectieven (GE2V16002)
  • Period 4: Racism in the Western World: a Cultural History (GE2V16006 )

Level 3

  • Period 1: Denken over moderniteit. Concepten en kritieken op filosofisch, cultureel, economisch, sociaal en politiek terrein (GE3V14038)
  • Period 2: Othering Europe: American Constructions of Europe, 1776-2001 (GE3V16002)
  • Period 3: Cultures of Empire, 1750-2001 (GE3V14030)
  • Period 4: Politics of Images (GE3V13015)


Specialization The Power of Culture (starting 2017/18):

  • Period 1: Civilization, Culture, and Society: Fundamentals of Cultural History
  • Period 2: Public History and Cultural Heritage
  • Period 3: Media and the Making of the Modern World
  • Period 4: Cultures of Empire: From Cultural Imperialism to Globalisation

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